Before you get started installing, let’s first decide on the technique that you prefer.
To Lap Interior Shingles
If you want your shingles to lap like an exterior application then you will require a 1/2″ minimum wood substrate on the wall for attaching your shingles to. While you can nail the shingles up with regular-headed nails (minimum 2″), you may also opt to use crown staples as well. They are harder to see and acceptable to use in an indoor environment. Fasten the bottom 1 inch up from the bottom edge, 1 inch in from either lower corner, and then every 3 to 4 inches in between.
To Butt Interior Shingles
If your preferred look is to square butt the shingles together to avoid the lapped look, you may use the same technique as above but also repeat across the top edge. you might also need to add a few fasteners in the middle of the shingle to prevent any bulging. You can also reduce the number of visible fasteners by troweling on a typical panel adhesive from a tub and only using enough fasteners to pin the shingles until the adhesive dries. If you are attaching to drywall, then the adhesive is a must. After gluing the shingle to the wall, shoot crown staples into the four corners angling away from the shingle to keep it pinned until the adhesive dries.