November 09, 2020

Black Locust Split Rail FAQs

Black Locust Split Rail Fencing: Why black locust wood? Rot-resistant – Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) is the strongest and most rot-resistant wood indigenous to North America. It will remain beautiful and withstand years of outdoor exposure.  No chemicals- Natural rot resistance means that no chemical pressure treatment is needed, and none will leach into surrounding … Continued

November 04, 2020

Black Locust: The Tree on Which the U.S. Was Built

By Wesley Greene May 04, 2015 Wesley Greene is garden historian for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. This blog is adapted from  Resource for this information: As the strongest timber in North America, black locust helped build Jamestown and hardened the navy that decided the War of 1812, yet today few Americans have heard of … Continued

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