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Designing a Business – Inspired By Nature Part 3
Water Stewardship No water is used in the manufacturing of Bark House® Poplar Bark Shingles and Wall Coverings. This is a big deal given that the Industry sector uses 5% of US fresh-water according to the EPA and the manufacturing of wood is a major part of that. The US Department of Interior Geological Survey website … Continued
Mountain Mist at 6,683 Feet
There are reasons for the lore that surrounds mountain life. Just like the mists that shroud us at high elevations, the mystery of life unfolds to the quiet observer and through the biggest of characters. It seems illogical that a group of people who work together – especially the long hours we put in during … Continued
A River Connects It
Project: Camusrory Architect: Reader & Swartz Architects, P.C. Location: Shenandoah River, VA Details Provided By Architectural Team of Reader & Swartz: New construction designed by the Architect so the client could enjoy the river and spend time with family. The house is comprised of three open truss, shed roofed … Continued