The Bark House® Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Gratitude

The Bark House at Highland Craftsmen Inc celebrates 25 years in business

“Our capacity to journey well determines our destination.”  Chris McCurry · Co-Owner -The Bark House®

A numeric “25” is an unbiased witness to the anniversary of big dreams built from humble beginnings.  As we look back, we do so with great gratitude for the relationships that have touched us during this journey – the ones of light that filled our days with joy and the ones of dark that pushed us to grow.

As we stand in this moment – we mark the clear alignment of mission with presentation.  We are finishing up our new website and the EmBARK BLOG has allowed us to share deeper stories of why and how, who and when.

To mark this silver occasion, we created

We move forward with deep gratitude to the clients, employees, distributors and vendors who have allowed us to celebrate your success and contribute to your beautiful designs.  We aim to journey onward with grace, and in doing so – know the destination which awaits us.

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