September 25, 2018

Regenerative Building Material a Product of Whole-Building

WHOLE BUILDING™ Whole-Building mobilizes investment in the built environment to improve the health and vitality of communities and nature.  This practice views “building” as an opportunity to engage the essential capacity of all stakeholders to participate in communal, economic and environmental enrichment as an integral function of creating a built-environment. This process begins, seeking first to understand … Continued

September 25, 2018

The Bark House Legacy – est 1990

  Bark House founders wanted to increase the vitality of the Appalachian Region that they call home.  This would require creating livelihoods for people born of a gentle culture that revered nature.  The work had to honor ancient traditions and values of the whole-community, something that local people could take pride in.  Growing its viability … Continued

August 23, 2018


“The Regenerative Practitioner series introduces the core concepts and frameworks that define the practice of regenerative development, a process and methodology for harmonizing human activities with the continuing evolution of life on our planet, even as we continue to develop our potential as humans. “What is Regenerative Development? “Regenerative development is a process by which … Continued

August 20, 2018

The Tree of Life

Think of the bark on a tree.  When it cannot grow straight, it twists and becomes gnarled – struggling to protect the life underneath from this world.   The high ridges, the low valleys, the twists and gnarls, our hand touches the build-up of tension and resulting roughness –  and the part of us that is … Continued

August 16, 2018


“Do you know what ‘Hygge’ is?” Raika who works with our German Distributor – Freund asked.  “It is very important to people here.” “Hygge was never meant to be translated. It was meant to be felt,” translator ToveMaren Stakkestad has written. It can be described as the notion that returning to nature is akin to coming … Continued

July 23, 2018

Poplar Pole End Cut Panel Project

Location: Springhill Suites Bozeman Montana Distributor: Earth Elements, Bozeman   Project Highlights: The lobby integrates natural elements to welcome guests in all four seasons.  Bark House Poplar Pole End-Cut Wood Wall Panels provide the perfect centerpiece around the fireplace that compels guests to stay longer – creating a sense of depth and intrigue. Natural wood … Continued

July 22, 2018

Poplar Pole End Cut Panels

Unlike our other wall coverings, The Bark House is not the original designer of end cut panels – we just do them better than anyone else.  Here’s how: Meticulously handcrafted with standardized methods, this product has earned the Bark House brand that holds up to commercial grade performance.  Each end cut is inspected for material … Continued

June 27, 2018

Brother vs Brother

Jonathan and Drew Scott headed to the San Francisco Bay Area high stakes real-estate market for their sixth season of Brother vs Brother.  A six week competition pits the brothers against each other as each room completed is independently judged in a -winner takes all the glory- contest.  Johnathon’s  choice to feature Bark House® Poplar … Continued

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