Category: Products of Nature

November 12, 2015

Reverence, Diligence, Elegance

I was recently watching our guys craft a Yellow Birch Wall Covering panel when a warm memory flickered in my mind. For some reason, I could smell my grandfather’s cook stove. The purest and best of my early inquiries were nurtured in that farmhouse and the woods that surrounded it. “Paw Watts” was born in … Continued

October 08, 2015

The Rare and Elusive Bark Panel

For years, Ryan and I have tried to explain to folks how incredibly difficult it is to harvest our Poplar Bark Panels. I have always said “one in a thousand trees” to push the point. Last year we decided to follow one of our favorite logging crews into the forest to try to film the … Continued

August 13, 2015


Gary McCurry, our former operations manager, has officially retired from Bark House. He has been my older brother for years, although there has been no genetic testing to conclusively prove this. It is quite a challenge to identify our relation when comparing natures, as he is generally the calm and balanced voice of logic while … Continued

July 29, 2015

1781 Yorktown March Denoted By Bark House® Split Rails

A couple years back, our company was privileged to have the opportunity to provide Black Locust Split Rail Fencing to the National Park Service for the Yorktown Battlefield. Everyone here understood the importance and significance of this destination. It was a very large order that took us all winter to produce. I particularly remember a … Continued

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